
My weight has always gone up and down. 
Right now, I'm 43 yrs old and I'm fat. I do not like it. But, I must admit, it is self-inflicted. Maybe not exactly on purpose. But on some level, I make decisions that cause me to be fat. That's right: I'm saying being fat is a choice. This is sure to make some people angry. But I think that if you're really honest with yourself, it all comes down to choices, habits, and lifestyle. So, if being fat is a function of  my mind, then possibly, if change my mind, I can change the rest of me too.

My breakthrough came when I got a job transfer and moved from upstate NY to sunny Florida. In August. It soon became painfully obvious that I could no longer camoflage my flab with layers of clothing. Too hot! No more hiding behind black clothes down here, no-siree-bob! And we won't even discuss bathing suits at this point...Being overweight in hot weather is most uncomfortable.

I've been staying at my parents' house in this gated community with all kinds of amenities, which got me thinking: being fat was keeping me from enjoying all the great things about my new environment. But now that I had plenty of free time, the weather was nice every day, the beach was nearby and I had a pool and fitness room at my disposal, FOR FREE, I realized I'd be a fool not to take advantage of all this. 

I began my lifestyle change on October 1st.